On Self-Advocacy & Resilience 

George Brown College School of Design 

Keynote Speaker for Graduating Class 


Selected as a keynote speaker for the graduating class of the George Brown College | School of Design.
            Part of a virtual year-end show titled ‘YES! Honest Advice for Designers’ connecting students with those who have impacted design on a local and global scale through a focused thematic-based lecture.
            For the lecture, my aim wasn’t to speak solely about my work + process, but to provide tangible advice on how I navigated my career in the more nuanced, social + political aspects of work life. We hear so much about diversity in the industry but how can we be better informed to navigate systems of inequality?
            As such the lecture description reads:
            How can we grow beyond the distortions and systems of oppression that keep underrepresented people docile, smol, unfulfilled and externally defined? Berkeley shares tools and strategies developed from firsthand experience to transmute your fear, anger, otherness and vulnerability into empathy, awareness and creative energy. Learn how to cultivate resilience and advocate for yourself.